Sunday, 22 March 2015

Blue Mountains

Our time in the Blue Mountains was short and the light not particularly conducive to photography, but I produced a few including one of the oldest cafe in Australia.  However, as our friend Ian said three pubs in Sydney claimed to be the oldest pubs, I am a bit sceptical.
 Katoomba has the standard view of the Three Sisters which is very popular with tourists.  However as we arrived late most had gone but a couple of bus loads of Chinese/Koreans and a bunch of Mormons were left.  It was easier to get to the views even though I couldn't stand near the edge.

It became obvious from another viewpoint (quieter) why the Blue Mountains are so called, apparently it is something to do with the Gum trees which are a type of eucalyptus; but don't quote me.
We have been stalked by rain ever since we left the UK, it must want us to feel at home.  You can see it trying to get to us over the bluff in the distance.

We travelled down and up the steepest funicular in the world, which is a piece of hype I can believe.

Then caught a ray of light through the trees as we walked away from an amazing view of a waterfall of which I could not get a decent pic.

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